The Last Race (2018)
Very insightful for the intro basics of the racing culture
28 February 2019
This movie is the epitome, of what I feel, of car culture basics. This movie properly and well presented of the community's focus and services that the car culture provides. The movie shows how the community socializes and how the community contributes to each other's lives. What I feels is what needs to be absorbed and well grasped from this movie is the whole unity of the car cultures social foundation.

The car culture, was generally showcased as a culture of isofocused, for a lack of a better way to describe the context, but the car culture community, is not revolved around that reality. The reality of these people, from what I've obtained from the movie, is the whole association of the abilities to understand the car's capabilities, and mostly the car's historical significance and the importance of the car's performance. By having this "understanding" of the car's capabilities, will definitely provide you the insights of what it really means to have a "bet" on car racing. When you delve into the car culture, you'll definitely and quickly find the appreciation of what car racing is and does for the person. The Last race was a well created movie of what the car racing community does and focuses on.
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