Star Trek: The Next Generation: Liaisons (1993)
Season 7, Episode 2
This episode is funny, in a Star Trek sort of way
1 March 2019
Worf and Riker bro down while they put on dresses. Riker gets all SJW on Worf before complementing him. They meet up with Picard and Troi. Troi is wearing a dress too, but Picard just has on a snazzy jacket. They meet up with three aliens and then go to 10 forward for a party. Except for Picard, he and one of the aliens go for a bromantic shuttle ride.

Everyone at the party in 10 forward has a grand old time except for Worf who gets to play waiter for his alien companion. Data makes small talk with Worf and its pretty funny, in a Star Trek sort of way.

Meanwhile on the shuttle, Picard and his alien brodie are having an awkward moment when the power suddenly fails and they have to crash land on a desolate planet. Communications are out and Pircard's brodie is hurt so Picard goes outside to look for help. Its noteworthy how many breathable atmospheres there are in the Star Trek universe. He's hit by a plasma discharge and rescued by a stranger.

Back on the Enterprise Worf is playing nice with his new frienemy (Geordi is too modest, I'd have said yes because its so obviously true). Troi is out and about with her new alien bestie who's never seen a child before. They make a new friend and then go get desert. Its funny, in a Star Trek sort of way.

On the planet Picard awakens to find himself injured and alone with a mysterious women named Ana. She tells him that his Brodie is dead and then leaves the room for what I assume was a commercial break. Turns out she's been stranded herself for 7 years (since stardate 40812). Not to worry though, she's off to the shuttle to get a communications device.

On the Enterprise Worf is plotting a murder. Riker and Troi are quite pleased with his frustrations. Its actually pretty funny, in a Star Trek sort of way. They plan to play a game of poker.

Meanwhile Picard's new boo has destroyed the communications device with a phaser. She expresses her hopelessness, mulls over suicide, and confesses her love for Picard in an effort to get into his pants. Then she makes him dinner and starts forcing the issue while he works on a way off the planet. Its a little awkward.

Worf is still bad at poker. Not only does he lack a poker face but he keeps his chips in front of another player. The ensuing conflict is completely predictable and somewhat funny, in a Star Trek sort of way.

Hooray, Picard has MacGyvered a way off the planet but his savior would rather stay and bang him out. Her desperation is palpable. No means no Ana, no means no.

Spoiler spoiler plot exposition spoiler.

Picard and his brodie head back to the Enterprise where Worf and his new bestie have been fighting in the holodeck. Homeostasis is restored and the credits roll.

Over all this episode is pretty good as a one off, but its not very memorable. Every time I rewatch TNG I forget all about this episode until it rolls around. And then I end up enjoying the B-story on the Enterprise much more than the A-story on the planet. Its not badly written by any means, its just not quite to my taste.

Verdict: Funny, in a Star Trek sort of way.
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