The Orville: Identity, Part II (2019)
Season 2, Episode 9
Well they didn't screw it up!
1 March 2019
Let's face it, part 1 started off like any other episode and wasn't until about 2/3 into it that it started to up the game, and by the end of the episode literally took the safeties off and had everyone including me on the edge of their seat.

This however really set some big expectations for the conclusion episode, and thankfully it did not disappoint. The Orville thus far has been a space comedy with bits of drama thrown in here & there, sometimes not at all. This episode was all drama, with still a little comedy mixed in where appropriate.

I'm sure the show will more or less remain true to it's form as a comedy first, drama second, but obviously the creator, writers & producers will see what a huge success this was and hopefully keep a good mix of comedy & action drama

The interesting thing is, if the show had originally started off as a serious show and then started throwing in the potty humor, I don't think it would have done as well. When a show or movie takes itself serious, we as the viewer have to buy into that world and take it serious too, and the flaws, plot holes or shortcomings tend to stand out and we judge. With a comedy we as the viewer tend to relax and not care so much about the technical stuff or validity of things, so long as it's genuinely funny or entertaining. The Orville managed to succeed on that level as a comedy, however with this two-parter it completely switched gears and immersed us with a couple of action packed episodes and in this it completely nailed it.

If anything I hope the writers keep this up, and ride the line well. Have the show still be a comedy, but be able to take itself serious at times as well. However this show ends this season, this two part episode will be one the pinnacle shining moments for it.
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