Angel: Inside Out (2003)
Season 4, Episode 17
Too Much Crammed Into One Episode
5 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "Inside Out", after realizing Cordy is a demon, the gang tries to stop her. Connor shows up in her defense and the two run off to hide and have Cordy's child. Angel visits Skip to figure out what is going on. He realizes that Skip is involved with whatever this conspiracy is and brings him back to the hotel. Meanwhile Cordy, has convinced Connor to kidnap an innocent girl and use her as a sacrifice to help with a spell to birth their child. The conflicted Connor has a back and forth with the apparition of his mother before finally siding with Cordy. Cordelia kills the child.

By now Angel has discovered that the being that posseses Cordy is giving birth to itself, using her body as a shell. He heads off to kill Cordy but it's too late. As the episode ends, the new being is born. And Angel and Connor drop to their knees in worship of this beautiful woman. Also, Wesley kills Skip with a bullet to the head.

Man, the writers tried really really hard to cram everything they could into this episode. So much exposition, so much explaining of everything with Skip and this grand scheme, and for what? It still doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. This episode is just overstuffed, like they thought they had 4 more episodes to the arc and then in a panic threw it all in here. It's all a bit much.
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