Review of 2010

2010 (1984)
Nominated for 5 Oscars.
5 March 2019
In the long-awaited sequel to "2001: A Space Odyssey," Roy Scheider is sent back into space on a joint mission with the Soviets to try to find out what happened on the original mission. An attempt to answer the many questions left at the end of the first movie regarding the fate of one of the astronauts, the HAL 9000 computer and the spaceship Discovery on their journey to explore Jupiter.

Now that enough time has elapsed since the release of 2010 for outraged 2001 fans to calm down, it can be seen that, while there was no decisive creative reason for Hyams' sequel to exist, it's not a bad movie.

A good-looking, sharp-edged, entertaining, exciting space opera.
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