Stoic (2009)
Incredible film. Powerful, poignant piece.
6 March 2019
First off, I have grown tired of all the Uwe Boll hating on this site. No matter how prolific a Boll film is, the haters come out, as if looking for a reason to trash. Fear not...this movie is powerful whether the haters like it or not.

The acting is superb, the script equally so, and the direction absolutely stunning. The idea of a film taking place in a single room is not new (eg Closetland), but this semi-documentary style film takes to a new level. The miracle of the film is that it has four actors (and a couple extras), takes place in one room, and is riveting from start to finish. Many reviews bash this very thing, calling it slow, a bore, without feeling.... I'm not sure what film these people saw, but in my opinion this is one of the best profile pieces I've ever seen.

There's not a ton to say with giving away important pieces of the film, but suffice it to say that the allegorical content is striking, with each facet of the film's composition being equivalently well done.

This film is not for everybody. I would venture to say that those who enjoy it have a certain darkened inside them, or curiousity of darkness at minimum. The "happy-go-lucky" flower girl with ribbons in her hair will not likely enjoy this, as it is truly a powerful take on the desperation humanity is capable of.

One of Boll's best works, and the fact that the actors improvised the majority of their lines shows what can be done with a visionary director and a capable team of actors.
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