Star Trek: Discovery: If Memory Serves (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
To go boldly....
8 March 2019
The point of Star Trekk in my opinion is not to be the same as previous series or be a stickler for the rules, which many reviews seem to point out, that this show is not following the rules and that the new look aliens have changed too much. If you want to be stuck in the past.. go ahead. For me Star Trekk is about the future and looking futuristic, which is what this series does.. it exceeds expectations, in graphics, cgi, and a cast that is full of variety. Spock has a beard? So what? Star Trekk should be about going boldly where no man has gone before, doing things that are different, looking futuristic and not dated... the graphic are the best I have seen in a series and this contributes to a better feel of the show for me. It enhances the visual experience and an experience is what we are after. Glossy, stlyish, great acting.. 10/10 in my book.
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