Daddy's Watching
10 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Nathan suggests a service for a dating site called Daddy's Watching to have someone watch over a girls first date in case something goes wrong. He finds a girl willing to try the service. He gets the guys fingerprints and then disguises himself as he watches the date happen. He hires someone to be "the daddy" and it fails.

Nathan helps a party planner by making a program that sends invitations to unwanted guests spam folders. He throws a party and invites everyone except Salomon. Only the party planner and the Bill Gates impersonator show up. The next day, he asks Salomon to check his spam folder and he sees the missed invitation.

Nathan comes up with a weight loss program by using the fear of embarrassment. He has each person think of a scenario that wouldn't want getting out, then take a photo and address it. If they don't lose five pounds in two weeks, Nathan will send the photo out. The outcome is mostly a success.
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