SSSS.Gridman (2018)
The opposite of Darling in the Franxx
11 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The overall opinion on Triggers first project of 2018, Darling in the Franxx, was bad. It was great in the beginning and slowly got worse until the end where it all crashed and burned. Overall I found Darling in the Franxx to be really good. The production was fantastic all the way through, the characters were great and the story was also really good until the halfway point. But it's hard to ignore that ending. Trigger really needed to shape up to not lose its reputation.

And in a way, SSSS.Gridman was the exact opposite of Franxx for me. Let me explain:

In the same way that I liked Franxxs beginning more than ending, I liked SSSS.Gridmans ending more than beginning. I haven't rewatched the episodes, so I don't know if there was information that could have been interesting after watching everything. But it felt like every episode was: A kaiju appears > The gang can't get to Gridman/They can't kill the Kaiju > They figure out a plan, and they kill the kaiju

Again, maybe I missed foreshadowing that could have been interesting. But I don't think you should write an episode of a show so that people who have already watched it think it's interesting. Cause if new people find that boring, no one will get to the ending. Maybe that's just my opinion though.

But around episode 6, something happened. It instantly got more interesting. It was the episode where we are introduced to a new character (I won't say who for the sake of spoilers) who explain a little more about the antagonist. But it didn't feel like they explained it to the audience. More like the Protagonist needed information that she could give. And after that episode, the quality just flew up. The characters got a lot more development, especially the antagonist. The story got more interesting. It was pretty amazing.

And now everything is finished, and I haven't rated it higher than Franxx. Mainly because of the characters. I know I said that they got a lot of development in the second half, but not enough IMO. The more memorable characters were the antagonist, Akane, and one the of main characters, Rikka. They both had inner fears and insecurities. They did bad things, they did good things. They were very interesting. And even though the rest of the cast were fine, they weren't nearly as good as those two.

So at the end of the day, I liked this show less than Franxx. It wasn't bad, it wasnät even average. It just didn't beat the thing it tried to beat.

A solid 7/10
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