Minor flaws don't overshadow a good Veggie Tales show.
11 March 2019
Of all the Veggie Tales shows out there(about 50 if you don't count their compilations like God Made You Special), this is one of the weakest. It's not bad, but it's disappointing once you have seen an episode like Rack, Shack, and Benny. I'll dig into that into a moment.

God Wants Me to Forgive Them? tells 2 stories about forgiveness-the first being The Grapes of Wrath. No, not the John Steinbeck novel/1940 movie, though the characters share similar names.

No, this story is about 4 grapes who tease Junior, a 5 year old for how he looks and then for his name. With the help of Junior's dad and the narrator, they find out that no one should be mean to others, and we should forgive each other countless times since God never stops forgiving us.

Veggie Tales videos usually have a "Silly Song", but this one actually has a mini-segment about a product that supposedly can forgive sins, called the Forgive-O-Matic.

The last story-Larry's Lagoon-is a parody of Gilligan's Island. Bob and Larry in this story take a millionaire and his wife and a professor on a 3 hour tour, but Larry daydreams and crashes the boat. Will the others forgive him for this blunder? Why should they?

All of this is fun that is worth your time. However, like I said in the opening of my review, this episode is a disappointment compared to other episodes. Why? 2 main reasons:

1. It's not as fun. Watch Rack Shack and Benny, Josh and the Big Wall, or even it's predecessor, Where's God When I'm S-Scared,the first show, and this will be a minor disappointment.

2. It teaches the lesson without explaining what it is. "Forgive, Forgive, Forgive" you hear for a half hour, but never "Forgiveness is when you..." If you are watching this with a child, make sure you explain what forgiveness is before you play it for them.

For entertainment value, this is a 10/10. But For it's comparative blandness and poor lesson teaching it drops to an 8. 10/10 + 8/10 = 18/20 which =9/10.

PS, The animation is poor too but fair for a small company using CGI a year before Toy Story's release.
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