Unfortunately the whole does not quite equal the parts
12 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Mid-19th century tale set for the most part in Australia, about the relationship between Oscar (Ralph Fiennes) an eccentric Anglican minister who has set out from England and Lucinda (Cate Blanchett) an eccentric Australian heiress. Both characters have gambling issues and one is obsessive while the other is compulsive which I how they come to know each other.

Oscar and Lucinda find themselves drawn to one another not only by their mutual addiction but also by their loneliness and isolation. Their ultimate wager concerns the delivery of a glass church to an isolated settlement by Good Friday, which is further complicated by Oscar's insistence that it be delivered overland because of his phobia of open water - despite the hazards of the virtually untouched wilderness.

Directed by Gillian Armstrong with strong performance by both leads and a rather impressive supporting cast including Geoffrey Rush as the narrator. Unfortunately the story wasn't compelling enough.
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