Runaway Train
13 March 2019
Wealthy Hedda Hopper (Marian) isn't so wealthy anymore and needs money. She discusses her predicament with her lawyer friend Bryant Washburn (William) whilst on a train journey. He suggests that it is a pity she doesn't have a daughter as the current case he is working on could prove fruitful for her if she had one. There is a valuable diamond to be passed on to whoever marries bachelor Nick Stuart (Ron) and this provides the basis for the wicked scheme. What Hedda needs is to find a 'daughter' from somewhere and set up a marriage to this rich youngster in order to get the diamond into her position. Once that is completed, job done - welcome back wealthy lifestyle.

The film has interesting beginning and ending sequences that are set aboard a train, and in between we get the trickery associated with the romance. Whilst it isn't the best acted film - Marceline Day (Joan) as the 'daughter' character has some pretty dreadful intonation and line delivery - there is still an element of tension to proceedings that keeps you watching. It gets a bit confusing at the end once the jewel goes missing and then the film resolves itself rather conveniently but it retains a dramatic interest as the audience wants to know what will happen next.
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