Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Homecoming (1993)
Season 2, Episode 1
Bajoran Trilogy, Part 1
14 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
2.01 "The Homecoming"

Bajor is being destabilized by political unrest, so Kira goes on a mission to Cardassian space to rescue a hero of the resistance named Li Nalas, who has been a prisoner there for a decade. But it turns out that Li is resentful of his reputation and just wants to be left alone, and it's up to Sisko to convince him to be the symbol Bajor needs. But Sisko gets more than he bargained for when Li is named his new liaison officer, leaving Kira's status uncertain as the episode ends.

This is the first part of a multi-episode story arc to start the season. As such, it plays out more like the first act of a movie, with a ton of exposition and not much of an actual story. It ends up being pretty boring on its own. Li Nalas isn't a very interesting or charismatic figure, and the plot moves at a snail's pace throughout, with a decent action scene during the prisoner rescue as the only real excitement.


-By far the biggest and best action sequence of the show so far. The shots with the squad of Cardassians charging over the ridges as O'Brien provides covering fire for the fleeing prisoners are well done.

-O'Brien is great, as always.

-The next episode in this arc is actually quite good, and probably part of that is getting the exposition out of the way here. As such, this episode has to be given some credit for the quality of the episode that follows it.


-I find it hard to care about Li Nalas or Bajoran politics

-Bajoran/Kira ep

-Slow plot with too much exposition and no payoff.


-Rule of Acquisition quoted: 76th -- "Every once in a while, declare peace; it confuses the hell out of your enemies." 5 rules quoted for the series so far: 1st, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 76th.

-The Boslic freighter captain comes back in several later episodes.

-When escaping the prison camp, the runabout wouldn't be able to outrun the Galor-class warships. Danube-class runabouts have a top speed of warp 5, Galors have a top speed of warp 8. Due to the exponential scale of warp speeds, warp 8 is about five times faster than warp 5. However, we can assume O'Brien used some of the nifty piloting trickery we often see from him in order to evade the faster ships (hiding in nebulae, using celestial bodies to shield himself, etc.).

-Hulk Kira count: beats up the Cardassian guard, though she did trick him into letting down his guard first so it's semi-believable. 3 Hulk-outs for the series.
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