This Is Us: The Waiting Room (2019)
Season 3, Episode 15
Bottle episode at its finest
15 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of episodes that don't have much going for them in terms of a progressive story-line (the episode 'Fly' from "Breaking Bad", for example) often get a bad rep for being "boring" or "filler episodes". The best part of this episode, just like that episode of Breaking Bad, was that it allowed the main characters to reflect on the past and relate it to their current situations. It was far from boring to me. Much of this episode is about hashing out decisions the characters have made up until this particular point. This episode was a very rich character piece (at least for this family) and ended on a very emotional note. The Miguel and Madison characters really stand out with all that is going on. The amount of respect we are meant to feel for them "as outsiders" to the family. This episode makes me think they will be bigger characters in the future of this show, or else the writers wouldn't have given the characters this amount of attention.

For me, the whole waiting room aspect was very realistic too. I am a 23 year old male, but I vividly remember exactly what a hospital waiting room is like from when I was about 12. My grandpa had been sick from lung cancer for awhile and was basically on life support. My grandma, who I was very close with, along with my mom and aunt (whom I'm still very close with), and my uncle, brother and cousins were all there at this critical time. In fact, my grandpa's fate ran into the early hours of Christmas morning, and we decided together, as a family, that it was time. My grandma really had the final say, but it's still amazing to me how we reached that decision, as a family. It's amazing how important family is to us in the end. Then my grandma died 2 years later unexpectedly, which gave me an even totally different perspective on life and death.

Anyway, this episode just really reminded me of how crazy life can be, and how this show can relate to anyone, at any time. It reminded me to not forget to love and keep loving the ones you love or once loved in your life. Toby and Kate's baby is just the next story of life in this wonderful show. Great writers, great acting (Mandy really owns it again too). 9/10.
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