Dorkly Originals: Gex Meets with His Agent (2015)
Season 6, Episode 1
Oooh, what am I doing?
15 March 2019
Maybe I need to contribute to this website more often. There's nothing under plot or connections. No one will see this review, except my admirers! This is my favorite Dorkly cartoon. It features well, Gex meeting with his agent. I remember when I used to play those games (well one game at least).

Yeah, really funny story how my depression started that way. Now I just get depressed about nothing in general. Anyway, this is hilarious because I did think that Gex would be the next big thing. I'm used to video game franchises going on forever. Those poor mascots with attitude in the late 90s never fared well, except maybe Crash Bandicoot or Spyro. I also love how this is the longest agent cartoon. ****
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