Queer Eye: Jones Bar-B-Q (2019)
Season 3, Episode 3
This is a restaurant
16 March 2019
This is what people need to see. Restaurants don't just open and all the workers appear. There is a TON of work involved every single day a restaurant is open. All those toppings you get on your pizza? They've gotta be diced and ready to go.

Onions have gotta be cut, sauce made, mushrooms, cheese, wine lists, beer orders. Checking the dates on wine, beer, milk, chicken, lettuce, scallops,shrimp....ect

Gotta make sure the silver ware is ready to go, cups are out, Parmesan is ready, crushed red peppers for the pizza. It just goes on and on.

They are killing it. I thought I worked in a small kitchen but...DAMN!

This is what a small business owner looks like. They are up early, making due with what equipment they have (that small table top fryer made me really sad). These ladies are killing it and it's probably my favorite episode so far.
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