A student movie where experiments rarely work.
16 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
How can a movie that has so much wrong with it, be watchable through to the end? Well this is such a film. Deeply flawed on just about every level the film leans heavily on Bill Nighy's screen presene to sustain audience attention. But even Bill needs a strong director and this film has been directed by a 'wannabe auteur' who hasn't even got out of film school diapers. There is not one technical area that he doesn't mangle, while the script misses so much potential. Set in Merseyside we have so few examples of scouser wit to enjoy, and even the voice coach only manages to squeeze a slight scouse accent out of Nighy. Performances all round unanimously lack emotion, some actors look as if they have no idea why they are there and some scenes seem to have been edited in from another production by mistake e.g. the Alexy Sayle scene. YET I was amused at times (especially the Bill and Jenny bathroom scene) and loved a few little bits of whimsy, and I did stay to the end. Am not sure why, but I do believe you have to see weak films to really enjoy the strong ones.
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