Sacrifice (II) (2016)
An Abominable Heap of Rubbish
17 March 2019
After seeing the trailer, I was hoping that Sacrifice would be sort of like a new-age take on The Wicker Man (the original, which is a masterpiece), or something along those lines. What I got was far from anything I'd call horror, and even as a drama-thriller it failed at nearly every cinematic bastion to hold my attention.

Absolutely nothing about this movie was interesting, surprising, or shocking, and was the opposite of entertaining. The acting was painfully bland, the cinematography fails to bring subjects to light, and despite being on a picturesque Scottish isle, the settings are boring.

In fact, the one word which could sum this entire movie up would be "boring". If you're like me and watch lots of horror and thriller movies, you've seen this movie before and all of the predictable clichés in it. Skip it and save your time.
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