Very long summary!
18 March 2019
The show provides a comprehensive summary of how this all progressed - it's hard to remember from the time, but the investigation moved from sympathy and search, to nearby weirdo, accuse the parents and finally trafficking.

In the end, there is obviously no conclusion, but also no new information.

Like most Netflix shows, it's jusy too long - 8 hours where 2 would have done.

I found the most interesting aspect of the retrospective was not actually the case itself, but the media coverage and how it swings between support, accusation and disinterest - if the show does one thing, it proves that you hope you are never in this situation - you'll need the media to attract attention, but once there's no resolution, they turn on you to keep the story fresh.

As such, I found this more a scathing indictment of the media than a story about the headline title case.
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