Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015 Video Game)
Rise of the Tomb Raider: Solid sequel
18 March 2019
I grew up with Tomb Raider, from Lara's pointy boobed days through to epic later adventures so when I heard that she was getting rebooted back in 2013 I was very concerned. I hate reboots, they're so unnecessary especially when it comes to video games, I went in assuming the worst and with a bit of a chip on my shoulder only to see they'd created something special. Sure the emphasis on platforming and puzzles had taken a backseat to action but it was done so well it was entirely forgivable.

2 years later and the inevitable sequel was born, Rise of the Tomb Raider! But how did it stack up against the first game, it had very big shoes to fill after all.

Is it as good? No, sadly not. But is it still a worthy entry for Lara? Absolutely. Utilizing all the best points from the first game they created another incredible adventure for the fans, one that will live on in the minds of the player long after the final credits have rolled.

The combat is near flawless, it still dominates over puzzles but somehow it works. The locations are great, sure they in places feel like a reskin of the first game but not to a frustrating level.

Puzzles are present, the cut-scenes are first rate, the story is great and Camilla Luddington once again dazzles putting a fitting voice to the near perfect character model.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a perfect example that reboots can in fact work if handled correctly.

The Good:

Camilla Luddington

Looks stunning

Wonderfully crafted

The Bad:

A bit of a reskin in places

Not enough puzzles
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