The Ben Shapiro Show (2015 Podcast Series)
Respectable, measured & less BS than all the rest put together.
18 March 2019
* * * Most likely all the 1/10 "reviews" are completely illegitimate. Trolls will be trolls though * * *

Ben states (and has stated) many a time that he is a right-wing, conservative journalist/podcast/talk show host, commentator anybody that is complaining that right-wing bent is a useful idiot. But it is refreshing to hear his view on politics. He tries as best he can, given the available data at any given time, to state the facts as objectively as possible, and then give his take on the situation. This is what a political commentator should be doing- and he does it very well. He is articulate, detail-oriented- and humble enough to admit wrongs- should those ever happen. To the anti religious, anti right-wing bigots- grow up and get informed. Step out of your pathetic echo chamber and into the sunshine. It might be blinding at first, but your eyes will adjust and begin to see a clearer, more centered picture.
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