A game changer
18 March 2019
Before I watched this documentary I believed the McCanns were scum and were highly likely to have been involved in her disappearance. I wanted this programme to confirm my suspicions about them. I wanted to see how guilty they truly were. But having watched this I've done a U turn and now firmly believe they weren't. It is a real game changer.

This documentary contains so many items of interest and nuggets of knowledge which were kept out of the media or were overlooked because people had made up their minds on the McCanns already. There is very interesting detail about previous cases of sexual predators operating on the algarve and also of a case a few years prior in which the Portuguese police conduct was very questionable. All the sightings of various suspicious characters in the area around the time of the abduction are laid out in detail too. The Portuguese had a tourist industry to protect and obviously wanted to pin it on the McCanns from day one. It was never investigated properly at all and valuable time was spent just trying to pin it on the parents. The parts of the film which focus on the private investigators are a real eye opener too. Whilst the use of private investigators was reported at the time, it is only in this film that you really get information on what investigations were actually undertaken. Essentially the McCanns had to hire these people because the Portuguese police were nothing short of useless and barely investigated at all.

Over the 8 hours of this I have genuinely gone on a journey of hating the McCanns to now feeling sorry for the plight they found them self in and believing that they genuinely had noting to do with her disappearance. And as the programme draws to a close it even provides a renewed sense of hope that one day Madeleine could be found.
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