Review of Ajin

Ajin (2016–2017)
All action and no lore makes this a dull boy
20 March 2019
Who are the Ajin? How they came to be? Whats the science / magic behind them? I mean - in a cold, hard, realistic world - what is their explanation? The show doesn't even attempt to give it. Instead, it focuses on action and government conspiracy, politics and military strategy. Ajins exist so there are some cool and creative moments and action scenes.

Lack of lore or any hints about it as well as irrational premise (hate towards Ajins, even though there's oficially only 46 of them on the entire planet, 2 in Japan). They're treated like X-Men. But there were more x-men and they showed randomly in puberty. The entire concept of people being scared/hating Ajins and them not being human doesn't make too much sense.

There are no religious implications. No social consequences. Nobody doubts it. 46 Ajin show up in 17 years and everyone is like "They're not human, f-k them).

The world is this shows dowside. Ajins could have been cyborgs and it wouldn't matter.

Main hero could be a cyborg and it wouldn't matter.

He undergoes a transformation (he's indiffirent / emotionless, becomes EVEN more emotionless).. but it's not really believable.

---- Anyway, actual episodes are short (16-17 minutes without intros), action is cool and creative, animation is okay and effective, ther's only 26 episodes in total. Watchable if there's nothing else.
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