Poor Dialogue Direction Hobbles An Okay Story
21 March 2019
Betty Compson and Creighton Hale are getting a divorce, and they're fighting over the custody of Bradley Metcalfe. He doesn't like the fighting, and he doesn't like being cooped up, so he runs away, into the arms of Lois Wilde and her gangster father, Bryant Washburn. They're pretty good when they discover the actual situation, but some of their gang think holding the boy for ransom is easy money.

It's a pretty good story, but the dialogue direction by director Bernard B. Ray is awful. Only Miss Compson manages a consistent performance, and Bryant Washburn is believable about half the time. Everyone else sounds stilted and artificial.

Silent movie fans may be pleased to see Al St. John in a brief role and a nice, natural gag. Joseph Swickard also shows up early as a stuffy tutor.
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