With respect, absolute nonsense!
24 March 2019
Everyone will see and believe what they want to see. Sometimes with "off the cuff" "out of the blue" events such as this, it is sexy to read too much into a horrific event. I believe that the author / narrator believes in a conspiracy theory ... but "never let the truth get in the way of a good story!" Every piece of visual evidence he presents can be interpreted 5 different ways. And if there were more photos presented, would add 25 more theories. As sad as it is that many people have written books (and movies spawned) on the subject, they (being outside the intelligence or law enforcement community) have all used the same pictures to try and raise the conspiracy theory. The theory raised by Marrs is based on fuzzy pictures, incognito umbrella people giving signals, and a timed spectator release to raise questions ... to heighten the intrigue of a sexy scenario of a plot to kill an American President. Shame on you who empower those who profit on this tradegy! (I too am one who saw the original release of "JFK" long ago). For a solid hypothesis on the tradegy, refer to Mark Fuhrman's analysis ("The Fuhrman Diaries") of the evidence and events, from a detectives point of view. And if you think he is part of the conspiracy, he was 11 years old at the time.

Again, nothing against Mr.Marrs for seeing what he sees, just that it had dollar signs attached to it ... makings of a good fiction writer to make a reader salivate for a juicy, alternate ending!
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