Doctor Who: Let's Kill Hitler (2011)
Season 6, Episode 8
River's origin, part 2
24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, essentially this is part two of River's origin, with part one being the mid-season finale "A Good Man Goes To War." Of course, looking at it from this point of view makes it a bit disappointing, not because the episode is bad (it is quite excellent, despite what its detractors say) but because it is an obvious step down from the near-perfect frenetic and epic previous episode.

I have to admit, I was not expecting Mels to be River, even though in retrospect it was rather obvious. The twist was done quite well none the less, and while many were put off by her murderous and immature personality, it makes sense within the context - - still a rather young woman, brain washed and traumatically kidnapped/stuffed into an astronaut suit (sort of making the season opener a somewhat River origin 1.5), what would one expect?

Others disliked her extreme fascination with the Doctor, which at first definitely seems more like infatuation rather than love. But again, it makes sense given the context. Young, immature and impressionable, it is easy to see her attraction to this man who basically saves her from herself, willing to sacrifice himself in the process.

All these things that others complained turned her into a weak character in reality show a complex and layered character arch, but we see the finished character first in season four - - the mature, strong, self-assured River from "Silence in the Library" and in this episode we can understand just how far she had come as a character and I find that fascinating.

Strong performances by all, The episode featured another bait and switch - - not about the ramifications of using time travel for assassination, as it seemed at the outset, but in fact was about the complicated relationships between the Doctor, River, and her parents (the Doctor's best friends) Amy and Rory. It also contains fun adventure filled with wit and humor with the Doctor cheating death and robot mimics piloted by time-traveling miniaturized people in true Moffat fashion. 9/10
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