What Men Want (2019)
Both Men and Women want the same thing - a decent film !
25 March 2019
Honestly this was rubbish

I can't think of one redeeming feature of it ?

The script was awful full of stereotypes and cliches . Full of thinly disguised racism , homophobia , sexism and misogyny

This was no female version of Jerry McGuire yet it could have been - it could have been a film about female empowerment against a backdrop of male dominated sports agencies .

The sex scenes were embarrassing and diabolical . There was little of any humour and as soon as she received her inevitable knock on the head you wished you'd also been knocked out and woke up in a different film !

If this was television , netflix or Prime you'd stop it or switch channels - unfortunately it's cinema so you feel compelled to stay to the end , sadly I couldn't I tried but in the end I had to walk out . I tried to stay till the end but it was just so flat .

It's so sad that films like this get distributed when there are so many other worthy films out there that never the exposure .

You have been warned !

Rubbish 2/10 Pad.A
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