Rod Taylor should have slapped Guy Pearce in the face
29 March 2019
I like Guy Pearce, I really do. But he's an idiot for having taken this role.

First thing about this movie, it is not true to the source material. The director it appears, wanted to have car chases and machine gun slaughters. Thankfully (or not) someone overruled him.

Let's see. The plot is as follows:

Scientist blah blah blah blah something something time machine. Blah blablah buhblabbity future. Eloi blah. Blabbity Morlock. Scientist blah blah. Roll credits.

Yeah sure, that's true to the book, which you can download from Gutenberg. Even an audio version is available for free. Too bad nobody associated with the movie wanted to waste their time with it. It's a quick read.

When we first see the time traveller in the far future, that's when I said finally that this is total BS. The Eloi settlement makes no sense. If you actually watch this turkey you'll see why. After that when you see the Morlock appear, it makes you wonder, "Why don't the Eloi do something to stop it?" Of course you can't make sense of it, because on the one hand, they seem to have the means to do it, but an unwillingness. I guess they're all cucks in the future.

I've already seen other reviews that say the 1960 version is superior. This is very true. The Pearce version is a crapfest. It is unsatisfying and a waste of time.

Are you looking for a good time travel movie? Try Primer. Or FAQ About Time Travel. Try Bill and Ted. Leave this one when you're feeling masochistic.
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