The Whale, Gia Scala and the Holy Bible's quoting!!!
31 March 2019
I didn't remember if l watch the second season of Voyage due my TV home was still on black & white, so from now on l'd consider as unheard, now in color this episode could be as weirdest episode ever seen, but it was wrong word, bizarre is more appropriate to justify such insanity by the writers who made this silly screenplay, sorry for them, the simply idea to an already extinct giant whale swallow an iron vessel is beyond of any reasonableness, and worst quoting a biblical passage which l never heard about, my fault indeed, the high point if we can call as is the still breathtaking Gia Scala (The Guns of Navorone) who could forget that acting, Gia makes us forget all mess over such folly things, let's forget it for a while, good moment will comes ahead, l hope so in the next one, l 'll stay tuned!!


First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7
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