The Wizard of Gore
3 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hershell Gordon Lewis or the "Godfather of Gore" brings us a very early splatter film from 1970. Montag the Magnificent (Ray Sager) wows an audience with magical gore. One of the people in the audience Sherry Carson (Judy Cler) has her own talk show and wants Montag to be a guest on her show where he can show off his magical skills. Of course corpses are showing up after each show. They also just happen to be the people pulled out of the audience that Montag excites his audience in showing their violent deaths.

Where the film is somewhat thin in the plot department it is high in the gore department, especially for 1970. Old school gore hounds may enjoy this flick, even though in today's terms you can tell what are props and what are dummies. But, I give Lewis credit for trying something different and really splashing the gore onto the screen. The film really is just a set up for the kills during Montag's show and without them this movie probably would be the pits. Remember though this film is not for all tastes. Some real spotty acting from everybody, although I did seem to enjoy Sager as Montag. He played the role somewhat hammy and it seemed to work well. Also has some dramatically intense music from Larry Wellington (who worked on 7 other Lewis films). This is the only Lewis film I have seen to date, but will likely see more in the future as I see he cranked out it looks like 29 films back in the 60s.
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