Growing Up Chrisley (2019–2022)
4 April 2019
This tv show is absolute garbage. Even the trailers for this show are a joke. Every line of dialogue sounds painfully cringy. "I look forward to eating in whatever restaurant Chase will be working at". You mean your son? The kid that is already making millions? God knows how. And "my mother is traveling with them"! "You let my daughter join a cult"?! The creepiest thing about this whole concept - both female and male leads in the show combining their names and using it as a tool for some type of comedic sexual stance to promote the show (used especially in the teaser trailers). Why is it creepy? THEY ARE BROTHER AND SISTER! That is just plain nasty!

Everything bad about 90s and 80s TV shows in even more predictability. Not every TV show (or movie) is meant to be critically acclaimed, a masterpiece. Sometimes TV shows are meant to be bad and only enjoyed as a means of escape from the drudgeries of life - wanting to shut the brain off. Sometimes what is meant to be bad comes off as critically acclaimed bad (Showgirls), i.e., satire and/campy. This TV show is bad meant be funny but comes off as bad but is actually worse for trying to be funny and 'real'. Quality TV is nonexistent. Whomever is part of this show is, of course, able to feed their respective families, but I wouldn't be too proud of this at all. Do not watch this show. Let networks know they cannot keep producing this garbage.
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