Dateline NBC: The Good Husband (2016)
Season 25, Episode 6
Wrong suspect
6 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I could not believe the gall of the wife acting like she was a victim I think she drugged him at home and it kicked in when he got to the parking lot. She also could have borrowed the dentist car without him knowing it. He lived on a second floor I did not see a window facing the parking lot so she could have had a spare key made took the car and he would never have known. The dating site the police did not even look into was disturbing there feels like so much was not investigated. Case's today feel like they try and make the evidence fit their theory instead of following all the evidence to were it leads them. I am not saying the guy is innocent I have 2 points first the wife was human scum and the family should never forgive her. The second is the prosecutors today are lazy and do poor work. Everything including the dating site should have been investigated. 3 total autopsy and they were so sloppy most of it was thrown out that is just not acceptable. The police failing to read the defendant his rights these are all not just mistakes it is proof of incompetence ! We the public have seen case's thrown out because the wrong person was convicted. Thanks to DNA we have cleared thousands of innocent people. You can say these were old cases but this is a current case and the pure incompetence even though Dateline tried to keep it out showed up glaringly. For closure for the families and for the right person to be found guilty we need o hold everyone involved in these investigation responsible. Allowing sloppy autopsy's, failing to do something as simple as reading someone their rights are unacceptable and at minimum should cost all those involved their jobs. Until we start holding these people accountable we can expect more sloppy case's and criminals walking free or the wrong person being convicted. This is a crisis in our court system everyone knows a case were the police, the DA etc.. lost case because of incompetence and they are allowed to keep doing their job. Shocker they continue to fail and those that are trained under them ail as well. I am not even going to get in to the fact that people with money almost always get away with their crimes were poor people accuse of the same crime's have almost a 100% conviction rate this should bother everyone. America is suppose to have a fair and equal justice system it is suppose to be blind and equal. Today it is neither and it is also run by people who do not have the skills or the intelligence to have these jobs. A detective should need more than a high school degree in some states they need some more schooling but it is not the training they need for their job. Every police officer should have to go to the academy and the majority of the police in this country don't go the most they get is 6 to 8 weeks of "training" that has a passing rate of 99% come on unless you are going to school to learn how to make hamburgers there is no other job with that high of a graduation rate.
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