Monty and Ida and Cornel are the Wilde bunch.
6 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting comedy / drama starring the imperius Monty Woolley, the troubled Ida Lupino, the hunky Cornel Wilde and the no-nonsense Sara Allgood, this is a look into the struggles of theater actors in New York and the struggles they go through in their careers and as human beings. Hard-drinking Woolley has basically been reduced to a joke after a serious dramatic career ruined by his reputation as a lush. He is first seen in a Christmas sequence in a Santa suit, getting more intoxicated and basically telling off a group of laughing children preparing to sit on his lap as the parents, other bystanders and store floor walker look on in disgust. it sets the film up as a comedy, but the sight of Wooley completely blitzed indicates that this will be anything but funny as the plot develops.

Woolley is a widower with a lame daughter (Ida Lupino) who has shut romance off in her life because of her affliction. When woolies Old Flame, Sara Allgood, comes to visit, Lupino meets her nephew (Cornel Wilde), And a sweet romance blossoms. All good, reminding Woolley of their past, also stands up to Lupino who wants to run off and Mary Wilde, Jean makes a proposal to Woolley show the two young lovers can be together. An attempted comeback by Woolley to play King Lear is a complete for, and the question arises for Lupino whether she will spend the rest of her life taking care of her ailing father or try to find happiness for herself.

The four actors, along with Melville Cooper as woolies companion, give outstanding performances. There are plenty of laughs to keep this from becoming maudlin, and Woolley's character, who easily could have become another Sheridan Whiteside, shows more levels to make him much more human and sympathetic. Allgood's commanding strength gives her a truly wonderful character to sink her teeth into, and while she does come off rather bossy, you can see the motivation behind all of her actions which makes her completely likable. A great script and speedy direction makes this quite an enjoyable sleeper that will have you laughing and possibly in tears simultaneously.
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