The Bisexual (2018)
Televison Review: The Bisexual
6 April 2019
The Bisexual wasn't exactly the smash hit that Channel 4 wanted and from the outside it isn't very difficult the see why. With the lack of any real promotional material (the poster I'm using is just the poster for Akhavan's film Appropriate Behaviour with the title slapped on the bottom) and a title that just screams out-of-touch it's not difficult to see why audiences didn't quite gravitate towards this project.

I'm not here to tell you that the Bisexual is some undiscovered masterpiece or anything though it's got some stuff going for it but I can only give it a light recommendation.

If you are looking for a more realistic portrayal of sexuality than most network shows are wiling to give I guess this could be sort of what you are looking for but in my opinion the main plot about Akhavan's character discovering her hidden sexuality while also trying to win back her ex-girlfriend (played wonderfully by Maxine Peake) is the least interesting part of the show.

It seems to me that this show exists more because people love other shows that handle these topics and less because there was a story to tell. I say this because I believe this would be a far greater show if the focus was on Gleeson's character and the break-up was the B-plot. Time and time again I found myself completely invested in the life of the struggling Irish writer only to remember that this show was about his room-mate.

I really feel bad having to critique the whole show together because even though I'm certainly not a big fan of 5/6 episodes of the show episode episode 5 is indie/art-house television done right. Although some people may find the flashback concept to be a gimmick I found that by showing what had lead these characters to where they were at the start of the serious only elevated the tragic nature of the show, especially for Gleeson's character.

ultimately The Bisexual is a forgettable little show that never quite reaches it's full potential.
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