Not bad but needs more development
7 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ablet Mayer a brave of six flowers claims he is the strongest man in the the world. He faces off against a some warriors but gets locked up in a dungun. Then he mets a bunny looking princess, her body guard Goldov, a sniper Flamey and A cat man Hans. To go and open the barrier. However, there are seven braves and one of them is the impostare but who is it.

Story wise it felt typical at first but got better. However, I felt there was still a lot left to cover as the end seemed too much of a cliffhanger. They could have had at least 15-16 episodes over 12 so they could have covered them fighting the demon good. But that is my only complaint.

The best part is that there is even a dub available if you struggle to follow subs like I do so you are not missing.

My rating 7/10 as I think it needs some improvement.
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