Review of Fleabag

Fleabag (2016–2019)
This is so much more than a comedy
9 April 2019
Not many shows have both superb writing and fab acting. Those that do usually go on to be known as classics - eg. Fawlty Towers, Blackadder. However, this has something else. It is more than a comedy. Rarely do you see writers who can depict the range of emotion that you have in this show so perfectly. And then that writing is acted so well that every word, every look, tells you something. There is not one minute of wasted air-time. It is so sensitive and so packed full, that I have re-watched every episode of this series, so that I can enjoy the little touches again. The characterisations are spot on - the screwed up sister, the awful step-mother, the typical British inarticulate father. Then the little quirky ways the writer shows us things - the way only the priest is on her wave-length enough to notice she 'disappears'; the way they all pretend not to need each other and yet somehow we know how much they love each other. We are not told these things, we are shown them in subtle, clever ways. I laughed and cried. Superb.
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