CRIPES! Who is the MORON who wrote the story summary?
10 April 2019
You heard me. "Pike has to make a life changing choice." Right. None of us EVER saw the original series. So we have NO IDEA about this "choice". SARCASM slashed and dotted.

And yet they'll tell you that if you say that Hipster-Spock shaves his beard in the episode, you'll get "Spoiler Alerted" into the Alternate IMDb Universe. For ever. Never to return.

Non-spoiler alert: H-Spock doesn't shave his beard. But we all know that he does eventually. So, there's that.

Yeah, those minty fresh time crystals: they showed up in SUPERMAN back in 78, and that was even before ST:TMP, slowest-moving motion picture EVAR. I figured out why when Klingons have dialogue in Klingonese, those Time Crystals fluxinate their capacity for getting to the point, having a 10 second bit turn into 10 pages of script.

OK, here's the two good points in the show: the attacking green (gray?) goo. The Vision and the Chair. Other than that, big chunks of the show were highly predictable.
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