Review of Black Summer

Black Summer (2019–2021)
Another astounding "Netflix original"
12 April 2019
It isn't a secret that Netflix hire people with no qualifications at all to write, direct or film their "Netflix originals" and oh wow, does it show. I've only gotten 1 and 3/4 episodes in but I feel like this show was created for zombies, or lobotomy victims, the "director" tries to keep some classy air around their show by, instead of just cutting to each individuals experience (even if their screen time is capped at fifteen minutes) by naming them on an imposing black screen with white text. Does the director think the viewer is completely incapable of keeping up with the story and thus needs their memory refreshed 5+ times per episode? Netflix used to be a mark of (reasonable) quality. A good streaming service for A majority A to B+ shows and movies with the odd AAA thrown in along with the C and D movies and shows. Now they have gone for their "Netflix originals", most of which are complete stinkers (though I have to say, some; like "Black Mirror; Bandersnatch" break the mould and are excellent, especially when watching with more than one person.

This however is not one of them. It's like they had set their show around a zombie apocalypse in a town full of people who had been drinking water with extra lead. Most are dumb as a post. From failing to fasten seatbelts (even when told), to being fooled by a bunch of children or simply walking around making as much noise as they want until they attract a zombie, then ignoring the fact that the mops and brooms they are hiding beside would make good spears and simply running away, even though the character was limping and barely able to use one hand seconds before. The show follows the typical narrative of "any one who dies becomes a zombie, as well as any bite victims" yet, despite a supposed six weeks everyone on the cast seems clueless as to how things work. I would recommend watching this show if you want to be hired by Netflix, as "I can write teevee show, much zombee, real skereye!" seems to be the only thing you need to put on your CV to get job there. It seems that the show has been rewire bombed by the acting and writing tream too. People can't be this dumb, can they?

I would go into more detail, but my brain hurts from just watching the first couple of episodes.
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