this is a smasher of a docu
12 April 2019
This is a real brittish crime ducumentary work, it plays the opponents off the line, and digs far deeper than i ever expected bbc to allow.

its made on archive materal, victims families and survivors interviews at present and in the past, along with the law enforcements officers and journalists, tellinjg the story about the black plague of the black and misty industrial areas of northern englad from 1975-1982, caused by the person called the yorkshire ripper.

i remember reading about the yorkshire ripper in my mums norwegian weekly women magazines, and got the creeps about the stories as a young boy. then it has vanished into history, and now returs as a documentary 40 or so years later, in a prime and insightfilled way.

the grumpy old man thinks this is some of the best of true crime docus ever made.
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