Very, very well done...
15 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This Australian fan made short tells the story of a group of soldiers who have captured Michael Myers and are under orders to take him into the woods and kill him.

In these woods lays a dormant Jason Voorhees who is awakened by him 'mommy' via the usual way of a ghostly voice telling him to wake up (bit like in Freddy vs Jason).

Once Michael breaks free (as per usual) he follows the last soldier into said woods to kill him but Jason gets to him first.

This pisses Michael off and all hell breaks loose.

This is an extremely well made fan film with a budget of around $5000. Yes the acting in some places is average and the actions of some people are questionable but what makes up for these minor quibbles is the sheer brutality of this 29 minute short.

The two actors playing Michael (John Pedder) and Jason (Joshua Pedder) do an outstanding job.

The effects are well above average and the music and directing are very, very well done.

Ever wanted to see Jason headbutt Michael? You will in this.

The sheer violence that is portrayed by both of our masked villains is outstanding. There's fists, feet, heads and machetes and knives flying all over the place.

If you're a fan of either of the unstoppable killers then this is for you.

Personally I much prefer the Friday the 13th movies and have never been a big fan of the Halloween franchise (I've seen them all and I do enjoy them but they don't warrant repeated viewing like the Friday movies do, IMO).

If you have a spare half an hour then you could do a lot worse than this short.

It promises a sequel and I for one can't wait.

Well worth a view.

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