Game of Thrones: Winterfell (2019)
Season 8, Episode 1
style over substance , has GoT lost its core ?
15 April 2019
The premiere of series 8 of Game of Thrones has left me with quite a bit of disappointment ,as it assures that the show continuously marches the same trail as it did the previous season .

The most noticeable weak aspect of the episode was by far : THE DIALOGUE ... which drenched of a marvel-esque type of forced humour and uninteresting content for the most part .

Some scenes drowned in illogicality , others in pointlessness (yes , the dragon ride) .Speaking of pointlessness , that seemed to be the theme of this episode ....don't get me wrong , I live for character development in a TV title , but sadly , there wasn't quite any ... leaving the episode in the realm of wasted time , filled by unemotional reunions and a failed drive for wit and humour ... shame !

The story hasn't advanced an inch forward , which is worrisome considering the number of remaining episodes . There was a major plot reveal which was handled quite in an underwhelming way, for which it could've been presented on a much grander scale , the ending of the episode however was quite strong .

To summarize , this episode was utterly disappointing especially as a premiere for the final season of the most popular , most awaited for, show on the globe , I sincerely hope they dramatically drift from the rail of season 7 by the upcoming episodes .
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