Review of Signal

Signal (2016)
Absolutely Stunning!
20 April 2019
This is no ordinary series. It demands your unwavering attention and significant exercise from your grey cells.There are multiple arcs and the underlying story is complex and multilayered. The director does excellent job in amalgamating it all into one beautiful seamless narrative. The actors are great with the exception of Lee Je - Hoon (who plays Park Have - Young), who at times seemed laboured. Cho Jin - Woong (who plays Lee Jae - Han) is exceptional, I don't believe I have seen anyone do better in a role. He is the soul of this series. The production values are really high.

Yes, it is at times a slow burn and towards the end seems stretched. Liberties have been taken with logic but with a complex script perfection is exceptionally hard to attain.The shortcomings in the script are generally concealed by the director and skill of the actors.

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