Review of Hyperdrive

Hyperdrive (2006–2007)
Is this a vision of post-Brexit Britain?!
21 April 2019
I'm a British expat who discovered this show on BBC Canada during it's original 2006/2007 run. Loved it, so bought the DVD set. Just re-watched the whole lot and still love it, and I still don't understand why it's been so negatively received.

Unlike some of the other positive reviews I've seen, I prefer season 1 over season 2. Each episode's a gem, whereas I think half of season 2 is a little weak, but does have the standout episodes with York's clone, and the dream machine (two years before the movie Inception!). Those who watch Star Trek Discovery might be interested to learn that Hyperdrive had an augmented/enhanced human more than a decade earlier (and one with far more character!). So those complaining that the show is unoriginal should think again!

Aside from a few weak episodes, I didn't think Season 2 was helped by the change in theme music, nor the more dramatic and sometimes overly intrusive incidental music. They also pretty much dropped the original premise of promoting British trade, which makes season 1 more timely viewing in 2019!
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