Review of Backtrace

Backtrace (2018)
You look familiar
24 April 2019
HOLEY UNDERWEAR! What a crapfest! Matthew Modine has had a headache for the last seven years and he needs to pay the mortgage on his house. Sylvester Stallone is still suffering from bad business decisions and Chris MacDonald hasn't had anything worthwhile since Happy Gilmore. But at least MacDonald gets to do STAR TREK conventions for being in one of the more popular episodes but that was Yesterday's Enterprise.

What's the solution to waning fame and lost wages? Go down to Georgia and make a movie! After all, it looks like Canada and it's got all the tax breaks! Add in shakey-cam and strident soundtrack and it might seem like an action flick. But it's not. It's all fake bullets and shiny jeep wranglers that don't get fake hit by phony automatic weapons, and then you get talked to death. And then the plot kicks in. I was a nurse in another life...
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