Some surprises but meh ending
28 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, I get it, it's an Avengers movie, so audience it not entitled to a decent story, but guys ... Come on! I found the 50% of living beings die-conclusion of Infinity War refreshing and brave. Rowing back now with some random time machine explanation really sucks. Nothing matters any more at all. Not to speak of the countless plot holes. It reminded me of a presidential speech: I didn't say that and if I did, I didn't mean it, and if I did I can reverse it.

Once Thanos is dead for good (I hope), the movie stretches another 30 mins or so without much happening and I was hoping for some more action, but the movie lets you down here too. The action in general is neither surprising nor good. It's good enough you don't give the movie a rating under 5, but there is nothing new to see here either. There are no remarkable or memorable action scenes really.

I could feel the producers wanted to make a good and somewhat complex story (3 teams in 3 different time periods) but in the end it's utterly stupid. Why would they use the time machine to bring all five Infinity Stones together in a time period and place where Thanos is? What could possibly go wrong? The Avengers might have super powers, but they are not the brightest it seems.

The change in some characters (Thor becomes The Dude, Hulk becomes the village idiot) was somewhat refreshing, but watching the former Hulk smash everything to bits in a very short segment in the beginning was what I was actually had wished for to see. The new Hulk does nothing except for being green. Thor at least finds somewhat back to his former self but yeah, they all disappoint the audience in one way or the other. None of the main characters sparks joy with me, except for Rocket and Nebula maybe, but the rest is just lame and sometimes really boring to watch. Thor joining the Guardians in the end might be a fitting match, but on my way home from the movies I was thinking, that the GOTG party is already large enough. Another fighter in the party? Hm... I don't know, but we'll see.
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