One of Jack Oakie's Best Performances
28 April 2019
Leon Ames is about to get married and sail to Vienna for his medical specialty. He offers to throw it all over if Shirley Grey will marry him. She refuses, he goes off and she cries. Time goes by and she falls in love with Jack Oakie. Then Ames comes back to New York. He repeats his offer to Miss Grey just as Oakie proposes.

It's an oddly cheap movie for the talent involved, including director Victor Schertzinger. Although everything about it seems tentative, that redounds to its credit; it's the emotional uncertainty of the characters that is its point. No one is bad, just weak and needy. Oakie gives a surprisingly layered performance, mostly his usual brash persona, but crumbling easily into an emotional, hurt man. It's a surprisingly strong work from producer E. W. Hammons, far better known for his short silent comedies.
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