Not the best
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was all good, but the terror of the creature is not so much. I prefer instant death when an alien burst out from your body, because it's been like that for 40 years since Alien.... and why the alien is more of a belly burster than a chestburster. I can understand about Aliens Vs. Predator - Requiem when it comes to belly bursters because the Predalien was impregnating more than one "egg" in a host, which the chest cannot fit all in, so the Predalien insert them in the stomach. But in this film, there was only one chestburster, so it should burst out from the chest with enormous gore.... and once again, I don't the a chestburster would fight back, they will run, hide and only come out when they're fully grown.
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