I'll admit to a coal based energy bias
30 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My husband has worked in the power industry for over 20 years. He started in a coal plant for a company (which will remain nameless) with a very clean trend. They have always been ahead of government mandates for clean energy. He now works 100% with clean energy. And I'll admit I love wind turbines far more than coal plants when it comes to my interest in either.

I loved this documentary because it spoke to a very common level. It wasn't we need to go green or our planet will die. The information he provided was spot on.

Until his segment on Nevada. His over the top reaction to people loosing jobs because individual households were not getting the buy back rate they had been getting was plain ridiculous. I've not seen anyone cry over the many thousands of jobs lost to the coal industry or the controllers on power plants that convert to natural gas from coal. It was a VERY one sided argument and his bias became quite obvious in that moment. (Remember I announced my bias right from the beginning).

I will say that his presentation the rest of the documentary was great.

I did not care for his method of filming. He was often difficult to understand when wind was blowing or he turned his away from the camera. Overall worth a watch. Will be having my 12 year old watch but she will get educated on the jobs lost in the coal industry also.

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