Review of Rock Bottom

SEAL Team: Rock Bottom (2019)
Season 2, Episode 20
Nope again Accuracy 0
2 May 2019
The date we (U.S. Army Special Forces attached to the CIA) attempted kill Osama Bin Laden was 1996 as a Violation of the U.S. No Assassination Policy that would not be changed "amended" to allow the Assassination of Osama Bin Laden until Republican President Bush 2002 Amended U.S. No Assignation Policy (International Agreements). We missed Osama Bin Laden by less than 5 minutes with a missile Strike that would kill about 400 Al Quada Men, Women and too many Children.

Commissioning Ceremony, each Newly Commissioned "Ensign" did not do something Traditional, as giving the first Person that saluted them something (All U.S. Military Officers Know what that "something" is), and does not matter which Branch of Service. All U.S. Military O-1's give the First Person that saluted them that.

At Afghanistan right next door to Pakistan is a Joint U.S. Intelligence Agencies and U.S. Army Special Forces Base. Would take the U.S. Navy S.E.A.L.s from CONUS over 20 Hours to get to Pakistan, India, would take the Fully Qualified U.S. Army Special Forces Teams, ODAs, ODBs attached to the C.I.A. about 2 hours to do Mission Preparations and Deploy. By the time Bravo Team gets to India, Pakistan, the situation would have changed a lot 20 hours later.

Facing a Court Martial for taking things outside to the News Media, Nope, not when pertains to a deceased U.S. Military Service Member, only need a Surviving Relative's Approval to release "Personal Information".

C.I.A. is there or goes there first, C.I.A. S.A.D. and or S.O.G. (Level 1, aka Tier 1) with Us (Joint Services Special Warfare, Level 2 aka Tier 2) attached are "The Tip of The Spear" as unlike Direct Action Teams of U.S. Army Special Forces Operational Detachment 1, and U.S. Navy Special Warfare Development Group as Level 3 aka "Tier 3", we (Level 2 aka Tier 2) actually speak the languages required and know the culture to do successful covert Operations, Missions. Most of Us have been at the Mission, Operation Areas before even training with those Nations Military Forces.

Linking arms together like some kind of Air Show Parachute Demonstration defeats the Purpose of a High Altitude Low Opening (H.A.L.O.) insertion, as becoming detectable by Radar.

India's state of the art technology Russian Federation Air Defenses (same as Iran's that detected the U.S. Generation 5 Stealth RQ-170) would have detected the C-130 and shot the C-130 down as "Shoot First, No Questions will be asked later".

Any tension within a Special Warfare Team, the Commanding Officer has NO Choice and must dissolve the Team immediately, especially if occurs at a Civilian "Establishment" (Bar, Club).

Scriptwriter Michael Watkins is clueless, Grade F (Failure).
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