Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
If you could jump the shark twice, this would be where it happened.
2 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The show already jumped the shark back in Season 6 with some very silly moments that arose from the fact Dumb & Dumber are, in reality, not good writers; without Martin's material, they are exposed as nothing more than a pair of hacks.

This episode is the final nail in the coffin for this show. The mortal threat everyone has banged on about since season 1.... defeated in 10 seconds by a girl with a dagger. Out of nowhere. Totally illogical. Total nonsense. Magic wand, lazy writing at its finest.

The entire season has been all about fan service from two writers completely out of their depth.

It doesn't help when you have actors like Sophie Turner who are now playing their whored-out, money grabbing selves rather than who they are meant to be portraying. Just look at what money and fame have done to her on and off screen. She's so VAPID.

But, don't worry, the mindless fanboys and dumbos amongst us will, of course, lap it all up-just like good, brainwashed, Hollywood subjects.

Baaaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaa

You hear somethin'? Oh, yeah, just sheep.

What a crying shame it is to see a show so good become a ridiculous MESS!
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